Downtown Brooklyn
March 15

First time going to the neighborhood. Thought it was a good idea to see how the neighborhood looked like after a snowstorm.

Took the 3 train to Borough Hall.

Places visited: Court Street and Livingston Street.

Weather: 20°-26° F. The day after the snow storm. Not as cold as anticipated. Lots of snow.

Time: 3:30-4:40 PM.

I was surprised to see that the usually busy commercial area was very subdued and empty due to the snow that had fallen from yesterday’s storm. The streets and stores themselves were very empty and businesses looked as if they were having a slow day.

All of the snow was shoveled to the edges of the sidewalks and the whole area was very neat and clean which was very surprising.

The few amount of people who were in the streets were a mixture of consumers with their bags, children carrying their school bags, and adults going about their day to day lives.

I want to look into old establishments (family owned businesses) and interview the owners about their own views on how they think that Downtown has changed throughout the years.

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