Downtown Brooklyn

A college student of around 20 years of age. Used to go to Brooklyn Technical High School.

  • What reasons might bring you to Downtown Brooklyn?
    • Today I’m going to see a movie over at BAM Rose Cinema since I just found out that they give student discounts. I also like to go to Target over in Atlantic Mall.


  • What changes have you noticed here in the neighborhood?
    • One thing that is most noticeable are these new buildings around the area. There are just so much more of these new buildings and condos and stuff here when there was nothing. I remember when I would get off from the train in the mornings to get to school, the walk would be so scary for me because the streets looked so shady. But now it’s different that there is all of this construction around the area that I can barely recognize this place. Another thing that I noticed was when I started to go to high school, Barclay’s Center didn’t exist.


  • Do you think that the MTA system is reliable in getting to Downtown Brooklyn?
    • I would have to say that the MTA system is 50-50. Sometimes you really can’t foresee any of the future delayed services or train construction work that affects how the other trains work. But in general, I think that it’s pretty easy to get to Downtown Brooklyn since there are so many train lines running along it.


  • Could you perhaps tell us any hidden gems or your favorite places to visit in Downtown Brooklyn?
    • Uuum… well, I don’t necessarily go here often but I guess that one of the things that I would recommend is going to the movie theater, or the just the theater in general, at the BAM buildings. Especially since they have student discounts and everything. I don’t know, it’s just something that I tell myself to do in an attempt to explore the area more.

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