
Neighborhood Profile | Houses of Worship | Sources

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Astoria is a true example of a melting pot. After the 1965 immigration law, waves of immigration transformed a primarily dominated Greek enclave into a Babel of cultures. “In New York everything turns around,” said Peter Figetakis, a forty-eight Greek-born film director,”Now the Hindus and Arabs, it’s their time.” But it is not just Arabs and Hindus that are changing the neighborhood’s personality, those settling in Astoria in the past decade or two include Bangladeshis, Serbians, Bosnians, Ecuadorians, Brazilians, and even Manhattan professionals who are drawn to the modest rents and cosmopolitan flavors. Feel free to check out this part of the site for the historical beginnings, the immigration patterns and the Houses of Worship in Astoria to understand the cultural diffusion of this rich neighborhood.

Neighborhood Profile | Houses of Worship | Sources