The Warmth of Facial Security

Cool person in a cool maskI am definitely not a Statist. Individuality should always be cherished and respected, even in times of great peril. However, I do not understand the grumbles of anti-maskers. There is principle in not being confined to a uniform, with fears stemming back to the nazi categorization system forcing many to wear jude stars or special armbands defining their ethnicities. This fear is understandable. Yet, it seems that anti-maskers overlook the main crippling fear of a pandemic, the fear of getting sick. Even without mask mandates in most states, a level-headed person would see the risk of illness is too high to take this time to show off their libertarianism. Also, with their being an almost infinite number of designs for masks, individuality can easily be expressed through the medium of mask fashion.

Also, though this may be an unpopular view, masks are quite comforting and pleasant to wear. Maybe in hotter climates this is not as true, but I find often find myself wearing my mask for warmth and privacy, even in a situation when it is acceptable to remove it. Like a cooler version of a scarf, I am sure that I will look to my mask to keep the tip of my nose toasty in the coming winter months. Not only that, but wearing a mask allows for privacy only usually experienced at home. I am a gum-fanatic and almost always have a pack of gum on me, yet it is often deemed rude to chew gum in certain situations. Because of my mask, i can easily conceal my gum chewing and be able to keep my good name. Also, I now come across as a largely nicer person, as my occasional grimaces are hidden behind a fabric sheet.

I especially relish the anonymity stemming from masks, as I have been able to avoid some awkward conversations through my decreased recognizability. Although I am very outgoing, it is quite nice to skip the uncomfortable small talk that comes with seeing an old teacher or coach at the grocery store. Sometimes I just want to shop in peace! If you want to be recognized, masks are great for that too as the many styles can easily make your fits pop off. Just consider how many snapchat mask filters there were and still are, it’s obviously very fashionable to wear.

Look, your rights to decide what to wear are fundamental and should not be trampled on, but get a grip. 200,000+ people have already died from this terrible illness, get over yourself and put on a comfortable, warm, anonymous-making mask. Cheers!

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