Sunsets and skylines

I’ve lived on Long Island my whole life, and I probably visit the city about a dozen times a year, but I never felt like a New Yorker (tying back to a class theme here haha). The reason I would go into the city would always be for a tourist-y reason. I’ve been to the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree, Broadway shows, and the Central Park Zoo countless amounts of times, but I always assimilated into the tourist population. A little over a month ago I moved into The Towers on campus, and the experiences I’ve had so far have been completely different than what I’ve always experienced in the city. While tourist things that I haven’t done yet, like going to the Top of the Rock or The Edge are all extremely enticing, as a now official “broke college student” I have been finding myself having the most fun doing things that I would have never thought of doing if I were just on a visit

Picnics in parks and on the roof (don’t tell anyone), going across the Brooklyn Bridge, and just walking around different parts of the city with no clear purpose are now some of my favorite things I’ve ever done here. I never realized how relaxing the city could be. When I would visit the city, my mind was always on when I had to head back to Penn to catch the train back home, or what time I had to leave dinner so I wouldn’t miss the show. Now, it’s so nice to spend a Saturday meandering through Central Park with an iced coffee, going window shopping down in SoHo, grabbing dinner in Chinatown, and just showing up on the platform of the uptown A train and knowing I’ll be home within the next 45 minutes.

I don’t really know how to tie this up so here are some photos of sunsets and skylines in different locations from the past month


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