October 2020 Playlist

When Professor Drabik mentioned that someone was looking for music recommendations in their reflection during class today, it reminded me of this playlist I’ve been working on. I usually listen to the same playlist over and over again until I get bored of it, but I’ve been trying to get myself into the habit of making new playlists regularly for any type of mood I’m in. Something that I’ve found to be helpful is creating playlists of music I listen to often during a certain month. I only started implementing this idea into my life this month, but I find that it’s been extremely helpful in helping me look back on what new songs I’ve found and what old songs I started listening to again. It also helps me document the music I like.

Music is something I think we all enjoy, as there’s something from everyone: country, rap, pop, indie, rock, even indie rock. I try to be as open-minded as I can when listening to music; sometimes, it’s the beat that I enjoy–sometimes, I find myself lost in the lyrics. I’m an avid Apple Music user and I enjoy their lyrics option because it helps me to learn the words to the song and at the same time interpret my own meaning.

I’ve attached a link to the playlist for both Apple Music and Spotify so anyone can listen, regardless of what platform you prefer. I’m not sure if this is the type of music any of you enjoy, but if you give it a listen, let me know what you thought! I have music from all different genres on the playlist, so hopefully you find at least one new song that you like. I’ll be updating the playlist until the end of October. Enjoy!!



(I also included a picture I took a while back of the city)

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