Prompt instructions

Arts in NYC Forums Smoke Prompt instructions


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    Discussion Forum “Smoke dir. by Wayne Wang (1995)”

    This is an informal “free-write” that invites you to explore diversity of themes, motifs, symbols, and issues that the film is highlighting. Note: Don’t summarize the plot lines (events taking place), but aim to define the problematics of the film. Write about what you found especially interesting/ challenging/ controversial/ touching…

    You can focus on one specific character and write about what his/her story represents. Or you might identify the same problem(s) shared by different characters. Or you might want to contrast how a similar ethical dilemma is resolve by various characters…You can choose a specific scene and elaborate on it as encapsulating an issue that you find particularly pertinent. Or you might identify repeated/ echoing symbolic references appearing throughout the film…

    Identify clearly the main topic of your post. Edit & proofread it before you hit “submit.” Include the word count.

    Due by Monday midnight, September 7. C. 400 words (min 350, max 450).

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Kelly.
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