The Consequences of Profit

Arts in NYC Forums M.F. Visual arts – ecofeminism(s) The Consequences of Profit

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  • #1239
    Chalmers Mathew

    The presentation and documentary both showed the effect that human actions cause on the world, particularly those caused by men in power. Despite the long-lasting ramifications of the destruction and transposition of nature for profit, the practices that will eventually kill the planet are still occurring. The most prominent of which is Brazil’s President Jair Bolsonaro, who has encouraged the genocide of indigenous Amazonian peoples and has let companies run rampant in the Amazon for the sake of industrialization and economic growth. These woefully unethical actions have led to the deaths of not only tribes people of the Amazon, but also volunteers and environmentalists that are protesting against these companies. With so much loss, nature will be severely crippled and will lead to a lack of many supplies in the future, including oxygen and the ingredients for many cure-all drugs/treatments. Bolsonaro’s blatant misinformation and war mongering against nature will lead to world catastrophe. Already we see how the refusal to let nature stay separate and protected led to the Coronavirus pandemic; a pandemic that Bolsonaro has fallen victim too, yet still blocks any attempts for his country’s recovery.
    Time will pass and, if no change in thought happens, people will continue to destroy to gain profit. Movements, like that of ecofeminism, are important to eventually cause the masses to give any care to the consequences of profiteering at the expense of the planet and to make the selfish realize that these actions harm every living thing on the planet.

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