Blood Donation! 10/29/20

Hey guys!

I wanted to share my experience donating blood yesterday! This is my second time donating blood; my first time was back in June. There’s a shortage right now, so if you meet the requirements, definitely check it out. Make sure to eat some iron, be hydrated, and well rested if you do so.

Anyways, here’s what happened. There’s a few videos at the end if you want to check them out  : )

I signed up impulsively at 2am on Wednesday, and Thursday morning after our class I headed out. I was supposed to donate at the blood center near Port Authority, but I truly couldn’t find it haha. I asked four different people, went in a few banks to ask for help, and had a friend on the phone directing me. My friend even called the blood bank but they couldn’t give me directions and even said I wasn’t registered. Spooky. (I think the blood center is in the terminal? Still not sure lol. ) I wandered around in the pouring rain for about an hour before deciding to book an appointment at another location.

During this time my glasses broke (to be fair, they are currently taped together, the rain just wore the adhesive away) and I got some water in the speaker of my phone. It was kind of a mess. (Okay, it was a mess.) BUT, I struggled through. I hopped on the Q Train and headed over to Lenox Hill. I arrived a half an hour early, bought some chocolate, and trudged on.

From here I had my temperature checked and answered the typical COVID-19 questions. I swiped my donor card, filled out the long questionnaire, and got my finger pricked. Unfortunately, the levels they were testing for were .01 too low in my right hand. The nurse looked at me and said I might not be able to donate. I almost lost my marbles in that moment, I can’t lie. She pricked my left hand, and it was .04 above the level needed, so they let me through. I got set up and donated blood! (Finally.) I got a little dizzy, which is why I look busted in the video, but you win some you lose some I guess.

Afterwards, I got some pretzels, cookies, and apple juice. Called my mom to let her know I wouldn’t pass out on the train ride home and headed back out. Got off the Q train and walked towards Columbus Circle to catch the A. I always feel elated after donating blood, so I ended up skipping through the city towards the train station. Got a few weird looks, but it was worth it.

I made it back to the dorms in one piece, met up with my roommate. We then proceeded to eat pizza and ice cream.

Rough start to the day, but a wonderful ending.

Here’s a link you can check out to know if you can donate!

Enjoy these videos; I tried to document my journey in a tiktok but it obviously didn’t go as expected. The city is beautiful in the rain, even if my converse were soaked through by the end of my commute. ( I hope the videos work, at the very least. My computer won’t load them up, so we’ll see how this goes.)

Happy Halloween Everyone !!

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