Our World and Society is Nothing Without Nature (actual post)

Arts in NYC Forums M.F. Visual arts – ecofeminism(s) Our World and Society is Nothing Without Nature (actual post)

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  • #1351
    Cristian Statescu

    The documentary we were put to watch by Carla Maldonado really made me realize something. We humans are absolutely nothing without nature. What Bolsonaro is attempting to do to the Amazon is disgusting and will not only affect the natives of Brazil, but it will also affect the entire world as a whole. I think it goes without saying that the natives taking care of the Amazon are doing the world as a whole a favor, and Bolsonaro wants to “integrate” them into Brazilian culture. Really? These people are trying to keep their culture afloat and he wants to destroy it. It’s terrifying and incredibly upsetting. Not only this, but thinking about his set of morals pisses me off (sorry (but also not really) for the rude language). Putting money over the value of so many lives, cultures, and of the Earth’s wellbeing as a whole is disgusting and makes me doubt humanity. I’m hoping that Bolsonaro’s hold on power comes to an end.

    In regard to the meeting we had with our guest, I felt inspired by the end of it. The art presented to us was inspiring and made me happy to see that people are doing the best they can to get the word out about how our entire planet and the life which it inhibits is suffering. Thinking about what I’ve done to try to help the environment, I’ve noted that I’ve grown plants that bear fruit on my building’s roof (strawberries, raspberries, radishes, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, a ton of tomatoes…….), and I help my father do recycling throughout the building we live in. What have you guys done? I’m honestly curious. Anything counts, no matter how small you may think it is, so please, let me know!

    I hope you all have a wonderful evening. Stay safe!

    P.S. I apologize if this was posted twice, the website is a bit iffy.


    Cristian, nature is definitely an important part of humanity, especially the dependence humans have on its resources, like water, tree, food. It is disappointing how sometimes we take for granted and do not appreciate the true value of nature. Cristian it’s so nice to hear that you grow vegetables on your roof. I’m always in fond of gardening, and I believe gardening itself is a form of ecoart too, and actively leaving a good impact on the environment. As for me, our family also grows some vegetables indoors, I have a lemon tree that is finally growing after 5 years, and our family is fond of reusing cardboard from cartons to make containers and usable boxes, or even reusing aluminum foils in the home.

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