We Need Women to Save our World

Arts in NYC Forums M.F. Visual arts – ecofeminism(s) We Need Women to Save our World

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  • #1377
    Javier Jbara

    Feminism’s main goal is to provide social, political, and economic equality between the sexes. Intersectional feminist movements – such as ecofeminism- venture beyond this goal and seek to utilize feminism to elevate another cause. If the Earth was asked about feminism, it might say “It doesn’t matter to me if a man or a women is the CEO of that fracking company” It might also say “Whether a man or a women burns down my Amazon I still burn” Equality for the sake of equality itself does not directly produce a better world. Rather, equality should be a pathway to enable women to take a larger role in advancement to a better future. Men and women have the same abilities, yet are distinct in how they respond and act. Blindsided and male-dominated industries have wrecked our planet through their decision making. Men cannot save the Earth with the same mindset that destroyed it. Female prowess will be absolutely necessary to undo global warming before time runs out.

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