How Failure (and Art) Defines Us

Arts in NYC Forums T.S. Painting – Migration Stories How Failure (and Art) Defines Us

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  • #1378
    Cristian Statescu

    Tara Sabharwal was an incredible speaker and a very influential person. One point which Tara brought up that really stood out to me was how we should continue to do what we want to do, and if we fear failure, we should still do what we want to do, because failure is really a beautiful thing.
    I wish this was something that I could easily apply to my life but it’s not at the moment. Hopefully I can build up to it, and I plan to do so.

    Nonetheless, this one message left a deep impact on me and is making me rethink how we should act, especially given that those of us in this class are freshman in college now!

    Another thing that Tara talked about that really stuck with me was how she discussed art and its importance: how it lets us see into the artists true person. I myself am into drawing, and when I draw, I typically do paintings of nature, or of animals. I’m especially influenced by Bob Ross. This sounds horribly cliche, and I understand that not everyone thinks this man was somebody that did unique art, but he holds a special place in my heart. Bob Ross influenced me not only in an artistic fashion but also a moral fashion. Because of how he portrayed himself, I feel like I’m not as crazy or impulsive as I typically would be. Additionally, his form of art actually taught me how to present what I feel or think about, and I especially love thinking about nature, given that I grew up on a farm. Either way, I just thought that was a pretty cool connection I made between what Tara said and how it applied to me. I’m certain this applies to others as well, just in different forms.

    Nonetheless, Tara took my viewpoint on risk-taking and turned it upside down. She was an incredible guest, and a very fun individual to speak to. I look forward to learning more from our future guests.


    We’re often taught to avoid failure rather than learn from it. Here’s a tale of caution: NEVER fear failure. That will only enforce the reality in which you fail. Over the summer I had to take a precalc course to qualify for the Grove School of engineering. There were three major exams that the summer bridge students needed to take to qualify. On the second test, my anxiety peaked. I had studied all night to prepare for the test, in fear of the reality in which I failed. Turns out failure is a self fulfilling prophecy and in an attempt to finish all the questions I rushed myself and made silly mistakes. In the end it just means I had time to reflect on what I really wanted from college, and one or two extra summer courses 🙂

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