The Importance of the Title

Arts in NYC Forums T.S. Painting – Migration Stories The Importance of the Title

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  • #1383
    Chalmers Mathew

    Mrs. Sabharwal’s art, as with many contemporary art pieces, allow for very subjective viewing by its audience. As an important cornerstone of modern art, it seems important for an artist to never impose a concrete definition to their art, however Mrs. Sabharwal notated the importance of the title in providing the small bits of information that can impose a different meaning to a piece. For instance, the use of “Untitled” for many an artwork can impose upon the audience that the artist doesn’t want to impose on the viewer’s interpretation of their art. Ironically, this could direct a viewer to analyze the artwork further if they know the intent of the artist is to leave interpretation up in the air. Conversely, pieces like “Fall Walk 1” and “Night Nets” are captivating, intriguing artworks whose interpretation is altered by the title in subtle ways. My own interpretation of the former would not be drawn to fall, rather the colors and shapes within the piece would behoove me to think of confrontation and a great schism. Having now known the title, as well as Mrs. Sabharwal’s own discussion of a title’s meaning, the piece transforms and conforms to my notions of what autumn and a journey therein would feel and look like.

    Even more impressing than the artwork’s title is the collective that it is in. The Open Window and Migration Stories gallery names are able to shift the meaning of the art even further. The “Untitled” piece by Mrs. Sabharwal can be interpreted as schools of fish and groups of fishermen petering out, alluding to the possible decline of societies and nature. Nevertheless, my interpretation of the piece is aided by the gallery it is composed within being Migration Stories. Added with the caption of portraying “adrift lives,” the piece transforms into a thoughtful representation of the migrant’s struggle to find life adrift in the strife of the world and being beat down by the new environment that they have found themselves in. Though a small question and response by Mrs. Sabharwal, the little details such as the title of an art piece or a gallery can greatly influence the interpretations of the art and is an essential area for an artist to grasp while developing their style.

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