Interpretation and Perspective

Arts in NYC Forums T.S. Painting – Migration Stories Interpretation and Perspective

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    I was so thankful to have heard Tara’s stories and thoughtful answers to our class’s questions. After looking at her art, one thing that struck out to me is her devotion to an individual’s own interpretation to art. She even stated in the presentation that she does not focus too much on naming her art as it can skew one’s perspective to something else; although, she recognizes that her artwork needs to be named just for organizational purposes. Taking a look at her artwork’s titles, they are all very simple words that are not charged with a particular bias. I think this perspective is incredibly helpful, as I’ve never even considered that the titles of artwork could impact my interpretation of the art. I also enjoyed her quote, “In these paintings I aim to hold my mind in suspension over a field of possibilities, in raw, potent ‘shapes’ before my conscious mind orders them into structures and narratives, in shapes that stir a deep, mysterious longing within me”. It shows that she paints whatever floats into her consciousness and then analyzes them after they are completely done. I enjoy her approach to art because she does not go in the painting with a solidified plan, but, instead, she looks to find a deeper narrative of what she’s created post-completion of the art. I think this applies to a lot of aspects of our life and can help us to find a deeper clarity. Like when you write a paper, you should come back hours later to find any mistakes and proofread. It helps to come into something with a fresh perspective to understand what it may look like to others. However, Tara’s artwork acknowledges that what you see may not be what others see. I also think her paintings give me a sense of comfort because I can choose what to see. There’s no pressure to picture something abstract. If what I see is what I see, then that is what the artwork was meant to show me. I admire her color choices; they’re usually bright and match well and give me a sense of nostalgia, However, her artwork ranges greatly, and the art in black and white gives me a sense of mystery, much like Tara says herself. Overall, this was a great experience. I am not so informed in the art world and paintings, and I don’t know of many artists, in all honestly. However, I think after seeing Tara’s works, I consider her as one of my favorites, and I can’t wait to see what other art she continues to make.

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