Life Lessons One Can Learn Through Photography and from a Photographer

Arts in NYC Forums M.P. Photography – Hamilton Heights Life Lessons One Can Learn Through Photography and from a Photographer

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    Michael’s visit was wonderful. Michael told us that many life lessons can be learned through photography, but his visit also unraveled the many life lessons learned from an experienced photographer. It was interesting how Michael started his conversation sharing about his perspective on times like these. Michael is very optimistic and tried to tell us not to be discouraged by the upheavals and turmoil surrounding us, but rather see it as a time of opportunity. Times of difficulties, according to Michael, should allow us to envision how we want our future to be and serve as a springboard of departure. Times of difficulties, I believe, are still points in our lives and I believe equally important to capture (maybe in photography, or record in other medium). Another lesson he shared was the importance of the approach in any decision you make. Michael explained how although the spontaneity of fast-moving image was great, he often liked to take the time to slow down to consider his choices and his approach to shooting an image. At the end of his visit, Michael also shared about getting away from the sameness of life, and mixing in some variety. This is consistent with his encouragement about taking risks at the beginning of his visit. To step out of what is normal for us includes getting low or getting high to get a glimpse of what we normally won’t be able to see.

    In terms of photography skills, I’m really grateful to hear his early experiences and the necessary skills he acquired early on. I really enjoy photography as well, and it was nice to learn from an experienced photographer that one of the early skills I need to acquire is to understand different lighting (sunlight, sunset, backlight, front light). He also mentioned how the IPhone today has been taking away a lot of the opportunity and the decision-making in photography. He mentioned how learning how to adjust the camera is equally important to the composition. I may consider upgrading to a DSLR camera, and learning to experiment with the different settings.

    Personally, I don’t shoot images for clients, but I totally agree with Michael and I enjoy taking pictures just for myself. You definitely do become more creative and less encumbered when shooting without a purpose, and just letting things surprise you. Just like Michael, I love to take walks along the Hudson River, and you just won’t know what will come your way.

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