Finding Optimism Through Passion

Arts in NYC Forums M.P. Photography – Hamilton Heights Finding Optimism Through Passion

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    Firstly, I’d like to thank Michael for his visit and talk with our class. The first thing that struck out to me about Michael was how optimistic and positive he was so early in the morning, referring to us as smart-looking kids and praising us before we even got the chance to introduce ourselves. Right off the bat, Michael had a very engaging personality that made him very easy to listen to.

    I learned a lot about photography and passion through his talk, but I what I cherish the most from his words to us is how he reassured us that most likely, everything will work out in the end if we follow our passions. He made it clear to say that, yes, times will be tough, but that’s just how life is. Surrounding ourselves with things that constantly motivate us can help to make our lives just a little bit easier.

    For Michael, his passion was photography. Looking at his works on his Instagram page, I can tell he clearly has a interest in theater and dance, which he also made clear in his talk. His photos are very vibrant and capture the energy of the exact moment. I am not a photographer or well-versed in anything to do with photography, but I definitely can tell it takes great skill to capture such powerful moments in one click. Something else I enjoyed from his pictures is his range of photos; he has pictures of dancers, nature, architecture, NYC events, and food. I love that he does not limit himself to one thing, and, instead, he explores all his options and keeps an open mind.

    Through his time with us, I believe that his main point was that to be as successful, optimistic, and content as he is in life, we have to stay true to ourselves and chase after what we actually love and find pleasure in.

    Another thing I picked up on is that Michael believes that though the iPhone camera works well for taking photos, a professional camera can help to take even better photos. In my mind, I see this as a metaphor for life in general. If we want to excel in something new and different to us, sometimes we have to make investments. If it doesn’t work out, that’s life. At least you can say you tried. If it does work out, your time was worth the investment. Overall, I really admire Michael’s positivity and optimism. He truly inspires me to find happiness in my future career and to chase after my true passions.

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