The Heart of New York= The People

Arts in NYC Forums SG Proposal Forum The Heart of New York= The People

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  • #1463

    Group members: Leondra, Kristen, Alexander

    Main Question: What makes up the heart of New York City?

    Medium: Interactive Website time machine format, featuring the racetrack system which serves to show the people are the heart of New York.

    Breakdown and Next Steps:
    -Identify cultural centers around New York
    -Create a racetrack which incorporates these cultural centers
    -Choose sets of words from New Yorkers to incorporate as a part of the racetrack
    -The past of New York City with examples of immigrants and their stories

    The project starts with the presentation of a time machine taking you through the past to the present of what makes the people the heart of New York City.

    Grazyna Drabik

    Leondra, Kristen, Alexander:

    Machine format? How does it fit with the rhythm of the heart? The only association that comes to my mind is an emergency: putting someone dying on the machine support…
    How does the exausting race “through the past to the present” make the heart of New York? It sounds to me more like a nightmare or like something leading “gamers” straight to heart attack!

    So, let’s try to follow up your trail:
    • Heart – well, it usually stands for feelings, expression of emotions, caring (perhaps), beauty (perhaps)…
    • It’s the people – you say. Yes, I think it’s the right direction. Probably it’s more constructive to think of “individuals” in this context of “heart,” than of huge, anonymous masses… The millions marching through the ages…
    • So, individuals… – yes, something most likely to do with cultue…
    Artists? any contemporary poet who comes to your mind? any singer? a dancer? Or perhaps an amazing sportsman who makes the hearts of New Yorkers beat faster?
    Whom would you see as “typical New York” artists/ cultural figures – embodying New York attitudes, expressing New York contradictions, representing especially well some “New York qualities”? (You could start with checking our contemporary poets and photographers highlighted in the class booklet. Or think about singers you appreciate…)

    Another possible trail – following your “interactive” interest: perhaps a series of mini-interviews with your colleagues – just a question and an answer: What do you think, what makes the heart of New York? (Or make up a touching-funny question…)
    And then you could create an inspired (funny? surprising?) video-collage of these vingettes?

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