Creative Flexibility in Art

Arts in NYC Forums M.P. Photography – Hamilton Heights Creative Flexibility in Art

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    Michael Palma Mir evidently has a pre-established career, where he seems to oscillate between various roles involved with the production of musical theatre. Theatre is one of the great modes of artistic expression, but oftentimes the business side of the industry may limit artistic freedom. The need to make money can overshadow the beauty of a fully realized artistic vision, tainting it with the brush of greed. Michael may as well have experienced this same interference in the history of his work in theatre. However, with the discovery of his passion for photography, he found himself no longer needing to sacrifice his vision. He made a very wise point concerning his photography at a point during the lecture. He claims that he would rather not do promotional work in photography, as it would limit his ability to artistically portray his vision of the scenes he documents. This unique perspective may not prove particularly lucrative, but it definitely provides a struggling artist with a pure sense of freedom that cannot be attained by many other means. With the shackles of consumerism lifted, a certain sense of relief is granted to the artist.

    It seems that for Michael, photography has been as much of a cathartic release as it has been an artistic release, though all art may inherently be cathartic. Considering though what his journey through theatre may have been like, I can only imagine that if I was in his shoes, my love for art may have been reinvigorated by the experience of photography. I hope one day to achieve my own success as an artist. I would ideally like to be in a position where I would not have to experience stifling of creative vision musically, which is becoming more and more possible now.

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