Transcending Borders

Arts in NYC Forums T.S. Painting – Migration Stories Transcending Borders

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    It was a tremendous honor to be the host during guest speaker Tara Sabharwal’s visit. I had the unique opportunity to interact with her directly and communicate the questions of my peers, an experience which has ultimately allowed me to admire Tara’s work at a more profound and personal level. After hearing her life’s story one important question came to mind. I asked Tara if she believes that there is an intended purpose to her artwork as opposed to a universal message to be grasped by its audience. Her answer intrigued me – she emphasized the process of making her art and the immense amount of creative energy that goes into it. This naturally broadened my notions of what it means to be an artist in a literal sense.

    Tara conveyed the idea that art comes from within, and as humans we are merely the vehicle for transporting it from the subconscious realm to the physical landscape. This is what helps to explain the hidden drive and distinct efforts made by artists. Tara’s work has been subject to much acclaim and even critical attention. This expanded on the idea of the artist’s purpose. Ultimately, I understood that art can convey universal themes but is ultimately left in the hands of the observer.

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