The Perfect Picture

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  • #1530

    During Michael Palma’s visit to our class, I felt we received a multitude of knowledge of life and art itself. Looking through his work on Instagram I found myself to be dumbfounded by the beauty found in the art. It’s incredible to see how someone’s art allows you to get to know the person before having to ever meet them. When meeting Mr. Palma we get to see within the artist’s mind. On his Instagram, his works range from action shots to landscape works which I found to be incredible. The angles he chooses and the inspiration he finds in everyday life is so beautifully presented through pictures. I asked a question about his first works and what cameras he used and it was interesting to see that he found art in just a regular glass of water. Lastly, something new I learned is sometimes when he takes pictures he has a friend hold him by some sort of belt contraption which is an interesting length he goes in order to capture the perfect picture.

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