Visual Art over Music?

Arts in NYC Forums D.K. Music (2) – Connections Visual Art over Music?

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    I found the pictures to be very interesting, but to be completely honest, this wasn’t my favorite guest which we explored this semester. I think Daniel was a very personable guy, and he held a lot of passion for his work, but I just don’t appreciate music in the same way I appreciate visual, physical art. I was a lot more interested in the photos than in his music about them, and I almost got the sense he felt the same way, considering he was more eager to talk about the art of others than his own music. Perhaps he was just being humble, but Daniel’s music just didn’t strike me the same way as some of the other artists who visited the class. More importantly, Daniel’s music just didn’t strike me the same way as the pictures from the blind, created with flashlights and that very fascinating way of showing light and perspective. Although this is harsh to say, the music just seemed like a mediocre backtrack to the real attraction of the presentation: These photos from the blind, and the way they were created.
    Admittedly, some of this lack of interest with Daniel’s music may be from the fact that I just don’t appreciate music the same way, in general, as I do art. I create visual art, not music, and since I had hearing problems for a while, music has generally never been a major influence in my life. Keeping that in mind though, I’d be interested to see if anyone else had similar views, and lack of interest, that I experienced. Did anyone else also have more interest in the art which Daniel was accompanying than his music?

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