The Experience of an Online Play

Arts in NYC Forums Theatre – Antigone The Experience of an Online Play

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  • #1704
    Cristian Statescu

    This play was interesting with a great message. I enjoyed the modern spin on the ancient story, and it was really interesting, however, I really think the fact that we had to watch this through Zoom made the experience less fun for me. I loved the singing in the play, it was phenomenal. It was a fantastic way to enjoy my last day of classes for the week, but I just couldn’t stop thinking about the fact that this play was happening through tiny rectangles of people online. I hope that we will be able to watch the play in person one day, hopefully next year in an actual theater. I’m certain that having people physically move on stage and acting their parts and physically interacting would’ve made the play much more enjoyable. You could also feel the passion the actors had, which just makes me imagine even more how interesting the play would’ve been in person. Their passion for the production of this online play made the experience somewhat better, but their passion would’ve added even more to the physical version of the play. Along with their passion the actors had when it came to their acting, their singing was also really good, and that was really what I enjoyed the most from the entire play. Just as a quick story, I had my speakers out to listen to the play, and when the play began both my brother and mother came running to see what I was listening to. They were intrigued and stuck around for the beginning of the play before they went back to do my brother’s school work. It just goes to show how powerful the musical production of this play was! Overall it was a great play that was presented in the best way possible given the conditions we are under. Sadly, however, even the best way that it could’ve been presented wasn’t that amazing.


    I agree with you Cristian. I was originally not looking forward to watching a play online, but it was honestly a very different and interesting experience that I’m glad I was a part of. Even though it would have been better in person, it was the best we could get, and I appreciate the performers’ effort into giving us a one of a kind experience. I also loved the singing. I also watched the play with others; I FaceTimed my friend who is very into theater and music and we both listened to the music together. The choir was probably one of my favorite parts of the play. I also noticed the passion from the performers throughout the play which was very interesting to see; since we could only see their faces, I suppose they would have to put extra emphasis on their facial expressions. Overall, it was a unique experience that I enjoyed.

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