Piano and Pictures

Arts in NYC Forums D.K. Music (2) – Connections Piano and Pictures

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    Colors are fickle things. Some are dull and uninspiring, while others are bold and brash. Some complement other tones, while others clash and compete for your attention. More important than a color’s aesthetic, however, is its ability to make you feel emotion. Whether it be a furious red, melancholy blue, or happy yellow, colors have the ability to directly and indirectly influence the way we perceive things.

    Listening to Daniel’s story, I immediately thought of the movie Ratatouille. In the film, the protagonist Remy describes how food manifests in different colors. A bite of cheese can inspire soft yellow and blue shades, while sharper flavors like strawberries can bring red and orange pops of zest. Much like how Remy has a passion for food and cooking, Daniel carries his passion for artistic music.

    What intrigues me is not Daniel and his organization’s efforts to improve ableism, but rather their attempt to expand upon the abstract world. How does one characterize emotions and the senses? How do you describe taste, texture, scent, and sounds to someone who has never felt them before? Daniel’s music and the pictures taken by his troupe may not have the answers, but they may certainly lead us to a future where we can better communicate with each other, and I think that’s worth something.


    It is interesting what you share Christopher. What’s special about art, and I believe it’s not restricted only to visual arts, is its ability to evoke feelings and emotions and a mood. And I think one challenge as an artist themselves is to share and convey a mood on their mind through their artwork, though the audience can potentially interpret it differently. This definitely applies to music as well, where Daniel shared how the techniques he plays can often help him shape a mood for the audience. The use of major keys and many notes and fast tempo often conveys an upbeat mood, whereas the use of minor keys and a slower tempo can convey a somber mood.

    I encountered this challenge when Leonidas and I planned to make a song for our project. New York is just so diverse and there are infinitely many direction to come to capture an active and alive and upbeat mood. Some suggestions I learned from a friend of mine about how to capture a upbeat feeling and more energy is to play a melody that contains bigger leaps in the notes. For those who are musicians and perhaps into music theory, you may also know there are modal scales and different modes apparently create different moods. (For example, mixolydian is often jazzy)

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