Good stuff

Arts in NYC Forums Theatre – Antigone Good stuff

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  • #1720

    As others have mentioned before me, I regret being unable to see this performance in-person. The acting and direction of this play were top-notch, and it genuinely sucks not being able to attend this performance in person.

    With that being said, I want to draw attention to the question of the play itself: what is the line between personal conviction and state law? Order cannot exist without reason and vice versa. In considering the plot itself, we realize that the recent civil war was but a result of strong political divisions among the Greek populace. As Creon orders the humiliation of his niece, it is unclear whether or not he does this out of spite or whether it is to set an example against traitors of the nation. Is it worth risking another civil war, or is deterrence at the cost of morality a justifiable reason?

    This holds true in our current political environment, which is why I found this production of Antigone particularly intriguing. As the United States stands divided nearly in half between political ideologies, it is worth considering the cost of maintaining the status quo, and the cost of revolution.

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