Discussion forum: tips

Our class relies on a discussion forum, and all of you have already done a great job with the first discussion on Smoke. Here you will find instructions and best practices for using the forum.

  1. Create “New topic” in the forum of interest.
  2. Write a tentative title, but after your finish writing your post return to the title and consider if it fits with your post. Sometimes ideas change as we write them out, so you could start on one topic, but end in another. Your title should be a reflective of the main idea in your post.
  3. Re-read your post for clarity and typos.
  4. Add links to outside sources if it helps demonstrate your point or add context.
    1. You can add a link by using the “Link” button.
    2. You can add a picture by using a link (URL) by clicking the IMG button.
    3. You can also add additional formatting like, block quote, underline, bold, italics.
  5. Make use of the accessibility toggle on the left side of the screen. The font on these forums are very small, so please use these tabs for:
    1. High-contrast reading (circle, half filled black symbol)
    2. Increase text size ( little T, big T symbol)

Screen shot of WP forums

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