
Arts in NYC Forums

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    • In America

      In America is a narrative film. That is, “it tells a story – with characters, places and events” (Writing about Movies, Goscik et al.). This DF invites you to focus on various aspects of the art of film-making. (You might find helpful Glossary of Film Terms – posted under Readings & Resources.)

      Choose one topic & respond in concise form (c. 300 words).

      1. Consider two parts of the opening scene: crossing the border & arriving in New York. How do the different components of the scene define the theme(s) & overall mood of the film?

      2. Comment the use of music in the film.

      3. Comment the quality of acting (any favorite performance? any jarring notes? why?)

      4. Which scene would you choose as the turning point? Why?

      5. Choose a secondary character & define his/her/their role in the story.

      6. What is more important in this film: characters or plot?

      7. How does the specific setting – NY in the late 1970s – shape the story?

      8. What storytelling devices (e.g. dialogue, description, first-person narrator, character POV, storyboarding i.e. sequencing of scenes in time, mise-en-scène, symbolic use of color…) do you find particularly effective here?

    • 9
    • 66
    • 3 years, 8 months ago

      Ryan Day

    • Let the Great World Spin

      “Let the Great World Spin”

      Eleven different protagonists are introduced throughout the novel. Choose one character that you find particularly interesting/ appealing/ difficult to relate to/ controversial... and explain your choice in a convincing manner (c. 400 words).

      Due by midnight M 9/14

      Two replies to your classmates’ posts (c. 200 words all together).

      Due by midnight W 9/16

    • 22
    • 64
    • 3 years, 10 months ago


    • Our guests/visitors

      For this discussion forum, there is no specific prompt required. Here is a space for your to communicate your reflections on the guests and class visitors. Feel free to discuss your experiences with your class.

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    • Smoke

      Discussion Forum “Smoke dir. by Wayne Wang (1995)"

      This is an informal “free-write” that invites you to explore diversity of themes, motifs, symbols, and issues that the film is highlighting. Note: Don’t summarize the plot lines (events taking place), but aim to define the problematics of the film. Write about what you found especially interesting/ challenging/ controversial/ touching...

      You can focus on one specific character and write about what his/her story represents. Or you might identify the same problem(s) shared by different characters. Or you might want to contrast how a similar ethical dilemma is resolve by various characters…You can choose a specific scene and elaborate on it as encapsulating an issue that you find particularly pertinent. Or you might identify repeated/ echoing symbolic references appearing throughout the film…

      Identify clearly the main topic of your post. Edit & proofread it before you hit “submit.” Include the word count.

      Due by Monday midnight, September 7. C. 400 words (min 350, max 450).

    • 21
    • 56
    • 3 years, 10 months ago
