A Long Overdue Voice

Arts in NYC Forums M.F. Visual arts – ecofeminism(s) A Long Overdue Voice

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  • #1307

    Perhaps most interesting to the in-class presentation was the unique depiction of the modern geographic and environmental phenomena that have characterized human affairs and shaped the lives of all who inhabit the planet. Art takes on a new meaning with ecofeminism: not only is there beauty but also a keen purpose and distinct goal towards universal betterment. This message is communicated in a variety of ways but the constant emphasis on human consciousness remains evident. The discussion of Japan’s Fukushima disaster as a result of the tragic 2011 tsunami was particularly interesting to me. So modern is this event as to evade the arena of in-depth analysis and self-reflection. Art depicting an event like this was effective in transcending the sensationalism of human affairs, and highlighting the need for active awareness and cautious judgment. It is indeed a sad reality that mankind has become increasingly dependent on material items. Yet in the wake of human recklessness and self-importance, ecofeminism adds a long overdue voice to counter the disastrous trends of human squandering and short-sightedness towards the environment.

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