A Very Nice Cup of Tea that Just Isn’t for Me.

Arts in NYC Forums D.K. Music (2) – Connections A Very Nice Cup of Tea that Just Isn’t for Me.

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  • #1702
    Cristian Statescu

    Daniel trying to bring attention to the blind by using a medium the blind don’t really participate in (for obvious reasons) is something that I find really interesting and wholesome. To be honest, I’m not a fan of the photographs that were made, but that doesn’t mean they’re not good pieces of art. What he did to bring attention to blind photographers is stunning and very admirable. However, it’s simply not my cup of tea. I can appreciate the fact that Daniel is an incredibly inclusive and innovative artist, someone that genuinely thinks out of the box, but his work doesn’t get me as excited as other pieces of art do. I do get happy seeing how inclusive he is being, but I’m really not into his artwork. In terms of his music, I’m not crazy about jazz, but I did enjoy the music he put out, just it’s not something I would listen to on my own time, because, again, it’s not my cup of tea. Nonetheless, his attitude, and his smile, are very contagious, making the experience very fun. Overall, I enjoyed Daniel as a guest because of his incredibly giving and caring personality, but not so much his work. This is not because his work is bad, but simply because It’s not what I like. What do you guys think?

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