Alternative thoughts on Silhouettes

Arts in NYC Forums M.P. Photography – Hamilton Heights Alternative thoughts on Silhouettes

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    One of the more disturbing parts of philosophy are discussions over human agency over their own lives. That is, how much control do we have over what we do? Perhaps there is a higher power controlling our every action. Perhaps we are biologically wired and shaped by our environment to behave a certain way. Or maybe we’re actually free to do what we want.

    The use of shadows and silhouettes is particularly fascinating to me because it reminds me of Plato’s Allegory of the Cave. Shadows exist purely as 2D images–a mere representation of a more complex, 3D image. If you live your entire life believing only what you see, you’ll never come to understand the world exists beyond 2D images. Likewise, we see objects in 3D, unaware of whether or not we are just shadows of a 4D object. It’s just a fun thought experiment that comes to mind.

    On a realistic note, however, I think being able to choose the art you want to make is a form of agency in and of itself. In the midst of a society that wants you to conform to their standards, the most courageous thing you can do is to fight the current. To maintain your values in the face of adversity is admirable in almost every scenario.

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