Ana Mendieta’s Mystery

Arts in NYC Forums M.F. Visual arts – ecofeminism(s) Ana Mendieta’s Mystery

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  • #1346
    Ryan Day

    Upon listening to the recent presentation on ecofeminism this past Thursday, a particular detail stuck out to me. During the discussion of Ana Mendiata, one of the artists who utilized natural landscapes in order to make art, the presenter pointed out that she was a Cuban, who died at the untimely age of 36. The history and drama that has occurred between America and Cuba, mostly one sided, got me curious as to why someone would die at such a young age, especially since the American government has tried to assassinate high profile leaders like Fidel Castro up until the 1990s. However, the actual cause of her death appears to be disputed. A court ruled that she simply fell or jumped out of a huge skyrise building, but this has conflicting accounts. See, her husband was allegedly in the same room as her, and allegedly workers heard yelling from the room and even her remaining family members are convinced that she was actually murdered, instead of simply falling out of a 33 floor building, which is a little far fetched when you stop to think about it. All in all, the presentation was entertaining, especially since it allowed me to go down these little strange rabbit holes.

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