Approaches to Life

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  • #1485
    Kristen Aloysius

    In his approaches to art and life, Michael Palma really embodies the importance of taking risks and dreaming freely. By sharing these approaches through his discussion with us, I learned so much not only about the risks in photography but also those involved in the choices we make on a daily basis and how these potential risks should be met with the enthusiasm and individuality that comes with who we are. Within the stories that he told of his journey with photography, Michael illustrates this notion in his art. He goes to great lengths to portray the elements of life that he values even if it doesn’t result in much exposure. He also takes the time to find the right approach in capturing the grandeur of landscapes as he envisions it. As reflected in the article “Lessons from Photography: Art and Life” and in Michael’s photography, it is essential that we “make choices that feel right by us, that capture how we experience and see the world.” Although it may be difficult at times, I hope to not only approach art but also daily life in this way whenever possible.

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