Art and the Environment

Arts in NYC Forums M.F. Visual arts – ecofeminism(s) Art and the Environment

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    To begin I have never really paid any mind to art. It has always been there whether it’s an artwork in a museum or even done by classmates in the hallways. There was never any further appreciation for art since I never really found it appealing. The documentary and presentation culminated to create this realization in me that art can be bigger than what we originally intended it to be. The way in which ecofeminism brings about important issues to the expression of art is truly amazing because all that is needed is the artwork to evoke change. Art can say a million words and that’s all up to the beholder as to how they interpret the information being presented. First of all, the documentary made me a little made to see that the environment is being looked over and seen only as a check. But to the people of the Amazon who have been protecting it for years, they see it as Mother nature who has been around time and time again to nourish the earth. The amazon brings health and prosperity for all living in and requires the native people to somewhat be its caretaker. The presentation helped affirm that the environment and woman together have both been oppressed by society and ecofeminism does a great job of capturing the injustices that are endured regularly.

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