Bonds and Circumstances

Arts in NYC Forums Smoke Bonds and Circumstances

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    One of the most heartwarming developments in Smoke is of the relationship formed between Thomas Cole and Paul Benjamin. Throughout the course of the film the unlikely duo develop a bond, forming a sort of mentorship with oscillating roles. Thomas helped Paul reanimate his life, and Paul did what he could to ensure that Thomas could have a life. In a city that’s supposed to be cold and unforgiving in Smoke we can see the truth, it’s these rough circumstances which makes the bonds we form all the more important. Ever since Paul’s wife was killed, his life was left in shambles and he could no longer find the inspiration to write. It would take Thomas Cole, a streetwise youth on the run, to pick him back up. Starting with a television, then arranging a simple dinner date, ultimately ending in the revival of the author within him. Similarly, Paul risked his life in an encounter with Tommy’s pursuer, the creeper. He endured the beating, ensuring the safety of Thomas in exchange of his own. Paul advised Thomas through the moral dilemma of the money he had acquired, that his obsession with the money would destroy his future. The two pushed the other to go further and improve on their character. With each other’s help they were able to save themselves from their torment. For some, letting people into your life is much harder. Let’s talk about the character with arguably the roughest circumstance. Felicity. When her mother approaches her Felicity fervently rejects help and berates her. Felicity goes on in length, degrading her parents and ending with how great of a man her boyfriend Chico is. Up until the very last scene Felicity nearly seems irredeemable. However, in those very last moments we can see the regret in her eyes. The regret of having to drive away her own parents, the twinge of pain that comes from the recognition of knowing she has gone too far. Felicity is a troubled and complex character which we’ve barely gotten to know. We know one definitive fact about Felicity, that she shares a blood bond to Ruby. As hard as Felicity tries to sever that bond she simply can’t. Ruby refuses to give up on her only daughter, the bonds they share through blood is simply too strong to let her go. Her story seems to look up as Auggie arms Felicity with 5,000 dollars in order to turn her life around. (Word count: 412)


    The unifying principle of mutual understanding and interdependence that you identified is both significant and worthwhile. You highlighted an amazing observation that is very easily overlooked; despite the spontaneity which embodies the lives of the characters in “Smoke”, there is still a high degree of self-consciousness within each individual that enables him/her to instill a positive impact on their surroundings. Each character is challenged with moral obligations, which ultimately reveal the interconnectedness between them. I was impressed by your analysis, because you decided to delve deeper into the abstract message being conveyed rather than blindly accept symbols at their face value. It is easy to take Paul and Thomas’s relationship for granted. Paul can appear dismissive and distant at times while Thomas may seem desperate and isolated. Yet it becomes clear that their strengths collectively forge an intangible bond between them and their weaknesses open their eyes to self-improvement. I was really interested in the fact that you described the roles of these characters as “oscillating” which is evident. Paul and Thomas are constantly challenged to display courage and show support for the other, and this leads to their winding path towards redemption. Your analysis of “the character with arguably the roughest circumstance” was brilliant as well. For her brief appearance, Felicity seems like a very flat character, without much concern for her mother’s sacrifice. But I liked how you mentioned that we see her regret in the very last moments; this final reaction could have easily been omitted without much complication to the plot of the film as a whole but the decision to reveal it to the audience indicates the multifaceted dimensions of the characters and the obstacles which can inhibit even the simplest communications.

    Cristian Statescu

    I completely agree with you. I liked seeing the relationship between Thomas and Paul grow throughout the movie. Paul helped Thomas by providing him a home and giving him good practical/life advice, while Thomas inspired and uplifted Paul. When thinking about other bonds and circumstances, I think that all three main characters were connected because of their circumstances. Regarding the circumstances all characters had, Auggie and Paul helped Thomas push through his fear and tell Cyrus he is his son. Thomas and Paul help Auggie by giving the $5000 from Thomas when his cigars got ruined by the spill Thomas caused, which Auggie gave to Ruby to help Felicity. Lastly, Thomas inspires Paul and builds him back up as a person, while Auggie helps Paul at the end of the movie by providing him with the story he needs to give to the NY Times. All three characters were connected and helped each other grow/fix their problems.

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