Born to be Different

Arts in NYC Forums Man on Wire Born to be Different

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  • #1321

    Philippe Petit the man of mysteries and legend. This movie really captures his mind and shows the audience his mental. As the observer, we get to see the process of what it took this man to accomplish the “impossible”. It was very interesting to see the mentality of Petit. His charismatic, infectious, and brave personality just draws everyone he surrounds towards him. The way in which he is able to convince friends and new people he meets to be on board with his plan. I have always wondered how he’s able to convince those around him so easily. The audience is able to see through his personality how charismatic he is. His journey begins between the towers of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, 1971, Sydney harbor bridge as well as his high-wire walk between the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City. Overall I really liked the film and would watch again very interesting, intense, and now I will be a tight rope walker when I am older.

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