Enacting Change Through Art

Arts in NYC Forums M.F. Visual arts – ecofeminism(s) Enacting Change Through Art

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  • #1316
    Kristen Aloysius

    I thoroughly enjoyed Ms. Fabijanska’s presentation on ecofeminism. I didn’t know about ecofeminism and how it has been portrayed in art prior to the presentation but both the presentation and documentary really opened my eyes up to the impact that art can have. Each artist’s use of nature and attempt to bring light to ecological concerns was inspiring. From Agnes Denes’ Wheatfield- A Confrontation to Bilge Friedlaender’s Cedar Forest, there were various means through which the women whose work we observed explored ecofeminism. I found it interesting that some artists chose to use nature and be conscious of nature in their art on a smaller scale while others preferred to express this message on a much larger scale. However, no matter what method was used, each artist beautifully combined feminism and the fight to promote equal rights with environmental appreciation and conservation. In pushing the boundaries of what art can be and reclaiming art as women, I think that these artists each help create a vision for a better world. Overall, after seeing so many different pieces, I found the amount of change that is enacted through these demonstrations and works of art to be truly inspiring.
    Thank you to Ms. Fabijanska for the wonderful presentation and portrayal of ecofeminism- it was very informative and inspiring!


    Kristen, I agree with you on so much of these points. Monika’s presentation was eye-opening to the use of art to communicate, raise awareness, and even call for change ecological concerns in the world. And even more than that, ecoart sometimes themselves are the change, as Monika mentioned, and that’s what makes them so amazing and powerful. Like the wheat field you mentioned, or the floating orchard on the barge, these are practical ways of both being artistically appealing, yet fulfilling a cause and making change through art. These forms of art are inspiring, and hopefully they inspire more to take steps in the form of art to address ecological concerns, even if they are small steps.

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