On Rashid and Paul

Arts in NYC Forums Smoke On Rashid and Paul

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  • #343
    Ryan Day

    One plot point that I found emblematic of a deeper message about the movie Smoke is the relationship that forms between Paul and Rashid, beginning with Rashid taking action to save Paul’s life. I find that in a movie about all the general chaos and inter-twinning events of different people’s lives, the fact that the random act of selflessness by Rashid is both par for the course in a universe indifferent and random but also deeply significant, and the only way one can truly ground themselves in a setting like Smoke, one not too different from our own world. Despite all of the separate struggles of Paul and Rashid that occur throughout the film, one thing that reliably helps them is the caring action taken towards the other. Despite the randomness of their surroundings and the randomness of how they met, that deeper human connection by selfless acts could serve to anchor the otherwise careless world.


    I agree completely, the relationship between Paul and Rashid is very symbolic of a lot of the core messages of the movie. What I also found interesting about their relationship was the way that their friendship and kindness towards each other ends up allowing both of them to heal. In Paul’s case, with the tragic death of his wife and his unborn child, we get the feeling from very early on in the movie that he is deeply lonely. He speaks to Auggie like he hasn’t spoken to anyone else for a while, and his breakdown over the photo of his wife suggests that at the very least, he has no allowed himself to process her death. I think in many ways, having Rashid in his apartment- which we can assume has been sitting mostly empty since his family died- is already a physical step towards positive change for him. We also see, through those caring acts you mention, Paul start to become more of the man which it was suggested he was to begin with- a writer who speaks freely and experiences emotions in full, instead of purposefully isolating himself from them. On the other hand, although I admit most of this is in subtext, it seems like Rashid is also improved through his friendship with Paul. We know that he has been mixed up in some less than preferable crowds in the past, the source of the stolen 5,000$. But as the movie develops, Rashid goes from very preoccupied with that money, to slowly rebuilding his life. He goes to find his father, which brings closure about his childhood and his mother’s death. He also gets a job with Auggie, thanks to Paul, and eventually ends up passing the guilty 5,000$ on, a symbol of him departing from his previous lifestyle. In many ways, Paul and Rashid’s friendship brings closure for both of them, and allows them to move on in their lives from what had been previously plaguing them.
    As one final note, I appreciate you connecting Rashid and Paul’s story to the larger world- “that deeper human connection by selfless acts could serve to anchor the otherwise carless world.” The inherent selflessness which Rashid and Paul both possess allows for them to be an anchor throughout the film, and also suggests that we, as real people, could follow in their footsteps, finding and healing each other in the otherwise chaotic background of the city.

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