Parts of Yourself in Art

Arts in NYC Forums T.S. Painting – Migration Stories Parts of Yourself in Art

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    Our guest speaker Tara Sabharwal provided some interesting yet personal insights and perspectives from an artist. One idea I picked up from the conversation was this sense of exploring and understanding one’s self through the process of making the artwork. Although artwork obviously is made for an audience, Tara was mentioning how there’s a part of you, deep inside that is touched and moved by something to cause you to produce an artwork, and then that artwork can move others and hopefully produce a similar feeling in others. Tara was mentioning how it’s about putting away the ego part of ourself, and rather let the true part of us reveal. I like what Tara mentioned about how we learn more about ourselves and our art style not by adding more things and elements to our artwork, but by taking, trimming away the parts until what remains is what we desire. Tara also discussed how in artwork, it often reveals parts of ourselves. There’s a part that Tara wants to show to the world, and yet also a part that is a shadow that she wants to hide. I think that in every artwork we can probably connect to and find a part of ourselves in every artwork we view, just like how she said every character in a novel is a part of us.

    I also enjoyed her childhood story of her first art experience when she was fascinated by the lines and figures of a glass, and later came to draw it. I think this theme was probably discussed sometimes earlier in the semester, but it’s very important to often stop and appreciate our surroundings, which can inspire us on what to draw and write.

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