Phillipe’s insane dream is something pretty inspiring

Arts in NYC Forums Man on Wire Phillipe’s insane dream is something pretty inspiring

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  • #1320
    Cristian Statescu

    Throughout this entire documentary, it seems that Phillipe is an incredibly brave but also insane man. What may also be seen as insane is those who helped him. Quite honestly, when I imagine putting myself in Phillipe’s shoes, I shiver and stop thinking about it. It’s too much to process being so high above the concrete below. But I can imagine being in the shoes of those that helped out Phillipe, as they didn’t perform the crazy act. From the whole documentary, and imagining myself in the shoes in those that helped Phillipe, I came to the conclusion that Phillipe’s dream is just as insane as he was and so were his friends, but not quite as much. Yet, as crazy as Phillipe’s dream was, I got shivers just thinking about the fact that it happened in the first place. It’s inspiring in that it feels like he was telling everyone to follow their own dreams and push for it constantly no matter what people may say or think. The facts that he managed to firstly set up the tightrope safely with the help of his assistants, and then cross it while not even feeling stressed for the majority of the time is quite amazing. He was truly smiling not only at the police attempting to arrest him for his performance, but also death itself, and genuinely enjoying the whole process as well!

    I think the way the documentary presented the whole story was really fun and entertaining. It made my heart race at certain moments, and made me laugh at others. Like for example, I laughed when Phillipe was describing dragging the materials up to the top of the building and struggling with his friend to pull it up while the police officer was on the same floor as them, and then one of them was pulling forward while the other was pulling back, causing them to not move in any direction and just awkwardly stay in the same position for a really long time. The music choice at this segment was very entertaining and honestly built up the moment perfectly. That goes to say for the entire movie: it really gave life to the documentary and I’m certain that without the smart musical choices, this documentary would not be as good as it is. Lastly, the other artistic choice that made this documentary better was the use of old video clips of Phillipe, his old feats, his training, and of course the very performance that the documentary is focusing on. It made everything intense and exciting, being able to see the actual preparation and the execution of the beautiful performance.

    Overall, I genuinely enjoyed the documentary because of how it presented an insane story in a very strong and impactful way through the choice of music and the use of old footage.

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