Sounds of NYC

Arts in NYC Forums SG Proposal Forum Sounds of NYC

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  • #1455
    Leonidas Kalpaxis

    Group Members: Leonidas Kalpaxis, Cory Weng

    Guiding Questions:
    What will our presentation be about? Capturing the Sounds of NYC
    What do we want to convey about NYC? How do the sounds of NYC contribute to the character of NYC: active, alive

    Plan/Idea: Create an original song (using FL Studio, combined with real instruments) containing the different, various sounds heard in New York, and have a common motif repeat throughout the song as an unifying theme. We have chosen some sounds that are representative of a New Yorker’s bustling life.

    In addition to the song, we may accompany the song with a write-up about our process of making the song as well as an analysis/description of the various sounds included and their meaning/importance/connection to ourselves and to the song.

    Sounds Heard in New York:
    Subway – “Stand Clear of the Closing Doors Please”
    Vehicle Sounds
    Ice Cream Truck Jingle
    Taxi/Cars Honking
    Dogs Barking
    Language spoken

    Grazyna Drabik

    Great. Specific, imaginative, your own.

    I accept your proposal as presented because I have a feeling that you know what you are doing. It sounds interesting and if you do it well, you might come up with a really special song.

    (But if you want, think about adding one more “layer” to the project – the visual one. What images would you incorporate to such a New York bustling sound track? But I repeat, you can stay with the project as you defined it.)

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