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  • #1446
    Zara McPartland

    Reflecting upon the story and artist behind the artwork led me to the word variety. It’s a simple word, reflecting diversity and differences. A quick google search presented me with the phrase “absence of uniformity”. Tara Sabharwal’s art is a compilation of different variables: deftly created at different stages of skill, life, and stability; beautifully composed with different textures, brush strokes, and mediums; displayed worldwide to different eyes, perspectives, and audiences. There is an innate connection that strings through this chaotic whirlwind of conflicts, similar to the invisible connection that strings us all together. I found her art intrinsic and perplexing; there are layers to uncover, from subtle hue changes to hidden implications.

    Personally, I love her black and white pieces; they transmit emotions and depth through a limited color range, relying more heavily on other aspects such as contrast and intensity. Her work titled “Night Nets” from 2014 is eye-catching in a way that transcends words- but I can try. The cooler tones create an eerie sense of fog, immediately transforming the tone into something more harrowing and consuming. The spiraling tendrils and sweeps of white paint are encapsulating, just as the title implies. It was a pleasure to view Tara Sabharwal’s artwork; her craft is truly like the culmination of life’s variables.

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