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  • in reply to: 4. Which scene would you choose as the turning point? Why? #1174

    This is a response to both Kristen and Katherine. Although I feel the death and birth scene are very significant the Halloween scene makes the whole movie. Without this Halloween scene, the hospital scene would not hold as much significance. Up until this point in the movie when the girls meet Mateo, the audience doesn’t know much about him besides he is just one weird guy in their building. The Halloween scene, also said by Varin too is a very significant point in the movie and can be considered a major turning point.

    in reply to: Prompt 3: Mateo #1171

    So far I loved everything everyone has been saying. Mateo is beautifully executed on-screen and the emotions of how he makes everyone feel can be felt. Although he comes off as this closed-off eccentric person, when he meets the two daughters he turns into this loveable approachable person. His character is so sweet and genuine that it makes me want to go hug him. Mateo could’ve ended up alone but it was his path to meet the two little girls. They’re insistent knocking for trick or treat candy is what started it all and created this beautiful friendship.


    The opening scene begins with the family being interrogated by the border patrol. “What are your purposes of visit into the United States,” the patrol asks both the parents. The tense feeling, nervousness, and anxiety of the unknown can be felt in this scene. They are said to be the visiting on holiday which I thought was a funny way of saying vacation. The patrol is depicted as being human when they ask about the daughters. This opening scene sets the tone and allows the audience to realize the process it takes to go through the border. I really liked it when the little girl was describing how to get into the city. As a New Yorker the tunnel being underwater, the radio getting staticky, the enclosed space, and the narrow lanes gave me many flashbacks of when I would go to the city. That feeling is almost unforgettable and when they arrived in times square it felt as if I was there with them. The flashing lights, crowded streets, and stores on top of stores. Their sheer excitement and happiness really spoke to me and actually gave me goosebumps. The first time I was ever in the city was when I was 8 years old. I have lived in New York my whole life but never really got to go into manhattan until then. It’s an exciting feeling to see the big buildings and see how small you are in comparison. The city that never sleeps is filled with energy and is always moving which made this scene so realistic and attention-grabbing. Arriving in the New York scene sets the foundation for the rest of the movie. The audience knows the purpose of the visit to the United States and now knows the location of where they went. Questions like “what are they doing in New York” or “What’s in store for this family”. The possibilities are endless and they can honestly make a new name for themselves in this new place which is truly beautiful. They get to leave behind the troubles of the past and focus on making a new life in a whole new city. I always found that so amazing because people can do whatever they want when they get to New York. All the immigrants that traveled here on Ellis Island to escape persecution or abuse, all were able to create a new life for themselves. This city is filled with so much diversity and opportunities that the movie calls for the audience to continue watching to see what is going to happen.

    word count :429

    in reply to: Hidden Saint #577

    Your response could not be a better answer. Corrigan from the jump of the book carries himself in a way no one else in the book does. His interesting characteristics can go on and on. I really liked how you spoke about the handshakes he would have with the people in front or even inside the bodegas because that just goes to show what a loveable and friendly person Corrigan is. To also build off of what Christian said, it would be really cool to meet Corrigan in person because of his personality. Honestly, that struggle between faith and love concept is also very intriguing. I feel like he would choose Adelita and his whole dynamic although a little changed, he will not stop being that loveable person everyone and anyone could go to.

    in reply to: Ciaran Corrigan: Clarity Following Prejudice #576

    I really liked your point of how polar opposites Corrigan and Ciaran are. Ciaran is a huge mystery to us as the reader. Corrigan and Ciarans’ whole storyline begins with the mystery of Ciarans’ name. His whole identity isn’t revealed for a while and gives that interesting yet mysterious aspect to his character. Although Ciaran is very different from his brother, completing the novel the reader observes how Ciaran undergoes this character development where he kinda changes his mindset due to his brothers presence in his life. Without knowing it Ciaran subconsciously has changed from being in the city and from the experiences with his brother.

    in reply to: Thomas Cole’s Struggle and Weakness #352

    I love your response because I feel like this movie does a good job of showing that everyone has something they struggle with. Everyone is going through their own battle and fighting their own demons every single day. The fact that Thomas is young adds on to the reason why he needed that extra push from Auggie and Paul to accomplish different things. It also adds to his naive nature and innocence. I also really liked how you involved Thomas’ character development of him warming up to his father. Thomas gets closer and closer but needs help when revealing who he really is. It was like a wake up call for Thomas because his lies are starting to catch up to him and he needs to learn how to be himself.

    in reply to: Quiet Lies & Hidden Truths #351

    Varin your examination of the film is very thorough in the aspect that the average picture can appear simple but then also posses traits and things that call the beholder to look even further. Just from looking at the opening of the movie you identified how it showed the bigger picture within, which I find it amazing to look at from that perspective. There is always more to the story than what is often shown. “Smoke” does a good job with the scene between Auggie and Paul looking at the scrapbook to show how unique and important an image can be. The quiet lies are what creates this cinematic experience of ups and downs as we learn each and every character. The characters use these quiet lies to deal with the hard truths of reality.

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