After I graduated from Molloy last Spring, I knew that I wouldn’t see many of my friends for a while, if not forever. So when my friend Chris invited me to spend a day at his house in Flushing last summer, I was glad to see him again. He also invited two other students from my class.

I met Chris and our friends outside his house and we started the day watching a movie. Later we went to eat at a restaurant that served hot pot, where you get your food from a salad bar and boil it in a soup on your table. It was the first time I had it and my friends and I were the only ones eating with forks instead of chopsticks. The food made me sick later that night, but I enjoyed eating there. Afterwards we went to the park to play handball. After playing for a while a guy named William asked if he could join us. None of us were quite as good he was but we still had a good time playing. When it came time to leave one of my friends offered to drive me to my bus stop.

After the summer we all went to different colleges. I would talk to one of them on occasion, but rarely heard from most of my friends since then. What I learned from this experience is how easy it is to lose contact with old friends and to be too busy to see them again, especially in New York. Fortunately, we are now planning to hang out again this summer, and Chris is trying to get into a summer class with me. Hopefully this summer will be just as fun as the last one.