Arts in New York Video

For this assignment, we were to chose any video that we liked and then respond to it in any way we wanted to. 

I chose the “Ulla Johnson X SHAMIQUA SS21″ music video because the song was written and performed by an old friend of mine, Shamiqua Wilson. I first met Shamiqua in 4th grade, and at the time we didn’t really get along, but years later our paths crossed again when I was a freshman in high school. We had matured and we let bygones be bygones. We formed a bond during our time together and she told me that she wrote songs. I was happy to hear this because she sang in our school’s chorus in elementary school and she had a beautiful voice. I was glad that she continued to sing. Anyone who meets Shamiqua and gets to know her can tell instantly that she has a passion for making music. One day, as I scrolled through youtube, I came across this video of her. What really caught my eye were the visuals. This wasn’t her first recorded song on her page, but the others were often done in her room. This video was out of this world and so beautiful to me. Come to find out, a clothing company used Shamiqua in their campaign and so they worked together to produce this masterpiece. Knowing Shamiqua personally, I think this music video fits her vibes perfectly. I liked how she stayed true to herself and was in her element. I am so happy for her and I just know that she will go places with her unique and beautiful talent. I can’t wait to see more of what she will create and I honestly wish her nothing but the best.