It was an honor to get to see Sara Davis Buechner perform. After reading into her history, I developed a large amount of respect for her. I think it takes great courage and spirit to come out as a woman and to finally transition your exterior appearance to match who you are on the inside. I think the determination Sara has is impeccable, knowing that classical audiences are ‘very conservative’ she didn’t let that stop her from being the person she wants to be. I think it’s a shame that as a man, David Buechner was able to book up to 50 concerts a year, but after transitioning Sara Davis was barely able to book five performances. It’s crazy to me to think that Sara’s talent hadn’t changed after transitioning but was still unable to perform.

I’m really glad Sara had the chance to get back on her feet and to get back into performing. The world needs more talent like hers. As she performed more, people cared more and more about her talent and less about the fact that Sara is a transgender woman – and I think that’s all that matters. I hope her story can influence other upcoming musicians who are dealing with the same problem. I’m also glad that Sara had the chance to perform at Baruch, or I probably would not have encountered her story or talent.

Sara’s performance completely filled the room, all the notes put together were very melodious. In her performance, Sara’s passion was very visible. She didn’t just sit at the piano with a rigid posture, and mechanical fingers. Her body moved with the music, her head swayed with the melody and it was very clear that she was doing something that she truly loved – playing the piano in front of an audience. Her body jerked and her feet stomped on the pedals, which showed she was as into playing as the audience was into watching. As much as she enjoyed playing, I enjoyed listening. I was really fond of the music selection from that night.

My favorite music piece was the encore that Sara played. Although she wasn’t entitled to play an encore she still did and it was my favorite piece of the night. I found the tone of the last piece to be very different from all the other songs, it was more joyous and upbeat. I also liked how it was her own rendition of the piece. The song was meant to be played by an entire orchestra and was never completed as a solo piano piece. I loved that Sara had the determination and discipline to finish it.

I think Sara’s funniness and jokes help to move the performances along, and it helps the audience engage with her. I thought her jokes were subtly but still funny. I have a new found appreciation for Sara. If I ever get the chance to see Miss Sara Davis Buechner perform again, I would eagerly hop on it. Her raw talent is truly amazing, along with her witty introductions makes for an unforgettable night.