What is a bullet journal? A bullet journal is a concept created by Ryder Carroll; it’s a concept because it’s similar to a planner, but different at the same time. From the bullet journal website, the creator says, “It can be your to-do list, sketchbook, notebook, and diary, but most likely, it will be all of the above.” 

People usually get a blank notebook (could be dotted, lined, or grid, too) and fill it up themselves with their own designs; they set time aside to create calendars, lists, drawings, etc.

credits to bluelahe

Now some people might take a look at a bullet journal and say, “Woah, that is waaaay too much work for me. I just want a planner without all the art.” That’s what’s so great about a bullet journal – it’s customizable to your own liking; personally, I love setting aside the time to draw in the colors, color in the words, and just think of a design for my own planner. It’s a way to let out any creative juices and it always feels nice to look at your own art every time you write something down.

credits to kochstoyevsky

The bullet journal isn’t just for planning though; as Carroll says, it could be a sketchbook, a habit tracker, or even a notebook. For example, I used to use my bullet journal to keep track of schoolwork, appointments, and any events I have to go to. I don’t use the bullet journal anymore but I highly recommend this system to anyone that would like to try out planning. Even if you aren’t as creatively-inclined, you can still be able to list out events. Although, it might be considered more work because a regular planner would come pre-designed with calendars and would be able to save you the time and ink.

The bullet journal isn’t just something that is pretty to look at. The bullet journal is efficiency, all in one book. You can use the book to write down any aspect of your life. If you carry it with you, you’ll have everything you need on the go. Sure, you might go digital like most people, but it is nice to sometimes take a break from the digital age.