The idea that “less is more” which is the core principle of minimalism has never appealed to me. Minimalism is the design philosophy that has been ruling fashion since the 1950s and still dominates fashion now. Simplicity, typography, blank or “empty” spaces, and balance are some of its key components. Some may argue that maximalism –the idea that “more is always more” when it comes to the decoration, the shapes, the tones, colors, and patterns has made its comeback but if you look around you will not see someone wearing this:


Sure, famous artists or actors might, but that is not what is commonly worn on everyday basis.

This is:





Honestly I find minimalism very depressing…

I struggle to understand how many people find a plane short red dress with no sleeves or details gorgeous. Obviously is still has

details like the cut at the neck or it’s tightness around the waist but I dislike the simplicity. My upbringing in a rural area and fascination with fairytales has left its impact on my view of beauty. Looking at various art illustrations of palaces and pompous dresses in books has made me a fan of the fantasy theme. I found life in the city mundane and it influenced me to find ways to escape the daily cycle. Fashion design became my form of self-expression. I tend to avoid everything that has a modern feel because it is connected to reality. I am minimalistic when it comes to the colors themselves and  since I favor Maximalism I’m maximalistic in everything else.


The dress I’ve designed on the left has two colors (creamy and gold) and various details attached at the chest area. The creamy material gives the dress a feel of modesty. The sleeves are reminiscent of youthfulness and the golden details on top hint at power and arrogance while the golden details aligned vertically represent a struggle. Maximalism allows clothes to tell a story and that is what draws me to it.


Do you favor minimalism or maximalism? Do you think maximalism has made it’s comeback or will our society keep favoring minimalism?