Two weeks ago, we attended Sara Davis Buechner’s piano performance at Baruch College, and we were able to listen to a number of songs.  She played various songs from different famous composers and even put her own spin on one of them.  I have absolutely no experience playing the piano, or any other instrument for that matter, but I am still able to appreciate how difficult it is to play these songs.  My sister used to play the piano when she was younger, and I often heard her talk about how difficult it was to play the piano, and how hard it was to read the more complex music.  These pieces that she played were all extremely difficult, and all required a tremendous amount of skill and hours upon hours of practice.

The amount of time that each song took to play was really unbelievable.  The longer songs lasted upwards of thirty to thirty five minutes, and they remained complicated throughout the duration.  It amazed me that she was able to play through all of these songs without taking any breaks.  As an athlete, I can imagine how sore both her hands and feet must have been after what was essentially continuous movement for thirty minutes.  It could not have been easy to so this for one song, however, she did this for multiple songs with little to no break between each song.  I have more respect for these performances than I can express, and even though I have no actual experience playing the piano, I can still tell how difficult each of these songs were to play.

The amount of passion shown by Sara throughout the night was one of my favorite parts of the performance.  During each song, it was clear that she was using every ounce of energy she had into each and every note.  She moved with the beat of each song, and really felt the music during each one.  Her passion throughout the performance made the show much more enjoyable, and showed that she truly wanted to be there, and to be playing the piano for everyone to here.  Based on my research on her, it seems like she has played in front of some very important audiences and has ha some very big performances throughout her career.  So, it is very cool that we were able to see her perform for free right at Baruch College.

Although I am not a huge fan of piano performances, or music performances in general, this piano performance was very enjoyable and extremely impressive to say the least.