The Arts in NYC Fall 2012

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Art Around the City

September 2012

RSS New York Times Arts Section

The Museum of SEX

After classes, I often go to K-town, down by 32nd street and Broadway Avenue, or 27th street and 6th Avenue to meet up with my friends.  Onmy way, I always encounter this bizarre museum called, Museum of Sex. They have displays of “artistically” embellished human sexual organs outside in their window showcases. I was curious tosee what they exhibited, but was never brave enough to walk in.

On this Friday after class, I thought to myself, ‘I have to go to an exhibition anyways for IDC class. Might as well, I will go to the Museum of Sex. It’s relatively close to the school…’ So, I directly went to the museum after class and paid for the ticket.

As soon as I walked into the exhibition, I almost freaked out. I wasn’t sure if I was looking at something that I thought I was looking at. I stared at it for about thirty seconds with an unpleasant shock. The first work I saw was a video clip of two men having an anal sex. It was a scene of disgust. So I, quickly, moved onto the next section of the exhibition. The next section was about BDSM: Bondage, discipline, dominance, submission, sadism, and masochism. They had displays of tools and suits for bondages and other purposes with videos of how they are used in real life.


As soon as I saw a video of a girl being poked by needles, I moved on to the next section. Next exhibition offered visual and descriptive displays of sexual lives of animals.

I moved on after taking a picture or two. Lastly, they had graffiti of sexual images. I took a quick glance around.

Then, I was on my merry way out of the museum.

As I walked out of the museum, I thought mournfully, ‘How the hell am I going to write the exhibition review?’ I cannot comprehend the full purposes and meanings of the art works offered by the Museum of Sex. But, I can say this one thing; it sure was hell of a distinct experience.



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