The Arts in NYC Fall 2012

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Art Around the City

October 2012

RSS New York Times Arts Section

Dumbo Art Festival

On Friday, I went to the Dumbo Art Festival. Many upcoming artists showcase their art at this festival. The festival started at 6, with the sun already coming down by the time I arrived there. The first exhibit I saw was on the water. There were these two metallic lotus flowers that were seemingly solar-powered and lighted up, as well as closing and opening at set intervals. On Main Street, they had shipping containers that lit up and had one artist at each shipping container portraying their art. One artist showed photographs of different wars and impoverished cities, while another portrayed mentally ill patients that seemed  to be in a state of joy. This artist made a mental disease seem different because they were portrayed as happy instead of grieving. Another container had a photographer that took photos of people’s favored body and kept it for her exhibit and gave another copy to the person to walk around the festival with. This interactive process was very captivating because you go from looking at art to being a part of the art. After that, I went to an exhibit that was only preparing to open up, but because I came with people that knew one of the artists in the exhibit, Stephan Papco, I got to see his process of creating a sculpture. The sculpture was of a women who was lying face-down and had arrows stuck into her. I believe that this represented the horror of war and how the act of war does not judge by gender or race or religion or anything. Everyone is the same victim of war no matter what. The last thing i saw was an array of light shows. One of them had two kids that got to go up to the stage and compete against each other in “superhero” challenges. Overall, the festival was really entertaining and fascinating. It was interesting to see how artists and viewers can interact with one another and how artists even allowed the viewers to be part of the art. I definitely plan to revisit the festival next year.     

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