The Arts in NYC Fall 2012

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Art Around the City

October 2012

RSS New York Times Arts Section

Never judge a book by its cover

Rubin Museum of Art
After walking blocks of Manhattan streets, I finally reached the museum called “Rubin Museum of Art.” The exterior of the building was fabulous. I walked in; the environment and interior design were luxurious and overwhelming. Everything was fabulously covered in gold toned textures and marbles. I couldn’t help but hesitantly walk up the floor after getting my ticket for free. I was excited to explore this place.

Second Floor: After a fancy spiral stairs up, the second floor exhibited the art works of Himalayan and Tibetan shrine room. I raised my eyebrows and thought maybe the next floor up, there are going to be interesting exhibits. The second floor explained the origins of Buddhism, which was founded by Shakyamuni. Buddhas represent in many forms of manifestation of enlightenment. Many postures and hand gestures suggested a meaning and forms of meditation.

Third Floor: After the tour of Himalayan and Tibetan Buddhism, I walked the fancy spiral floors up to the third floor with excitedly. Again, it disappointed me. The collections of jewels used by the Buddhists were exhibited. Everything was over-embellished in a same manner for every sculpture; well, at least for me. So, I only took a quick glance around the floor and went up the stairs.

Then, I moved up all the way to the fifth floor, where exhibited the Nyingjei Lam collection. On the fifth floor, I was like, ‘so, what’s the difference of the artworks among the ones on the second floor, third floor, and fifth floor. They all look the same.’ Throughout all floors, they exhibited Buddhas in their meditation state embellished with jewels.

After I got out, I was pretty disappointed. The building was so overwhelmingly luxury but the works it held was rather boring and repetitive. So, I said sorry to my friends who went along with me and got ourselves a good meal at Shake Shack.


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